There is no way to deny the awareness that can be gained by Bitcoin and literally all cryptocurrencies when being endorsed by a celebrity. This is why we often see businesses in the crypto industry trying to get celebrities on board. It did lead to problems, like Mayweather and Khaled’s fines and the launch of some really weird partnerships, like Steven Seagal’s involvement in Bitcoiin. We are not going to talk about such celebrity endorsements.
There is a clear increase in the number of celebrities that are now investing in bitcoin or simply using the cryptocurrency, including the big names mentioned below.
Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher is A-Grade Investments co-founder. The company invested in BitPay. He was also quoted as saying:
The bigger thing with bitcoin is: what can that decentralized technology really do? Imagine if we could decentralize that issue of security, and if we can decentralize security. The notion that we could civically monitor each other in an anonymous way actually keeps the anonymity of the internet, we don’t have to worry about Big Brother and that same infrastructure that built out bitcoin could be used in the security industry for mass good.
For those that are not aware, Kutcher is a highly successful tech industry venture capitalist. He has active investments in Skype, Airbnb, Uber, Foursquare and Spotify.
Songwriter/rapper Nas invested with Aymen Anthony Saleh in over 40 startups. This includes 500 Startups and Coinbase. This is surely a great investment as Coinbase recently raised around $25 million. Nas is practically really close with people that are highly-interested in Coinbase, like Andressen Horrowitz and Ben Horowitz.
Mel B
Mel B may be more active now in X Factor than in music but it seems she also has an interest in cryptocurrency. She became the very first musician accepting bitcoin for music purchases. She declared:
I love how new technology makes our lives easier, and to me, that’s exciting. Bitcoin unites my fans around the world using one currency. They can just pay using bitcoins.
Donald Glover
Rapper/Actor Donald Glover (commonly known under his rap name Childish Gambino) recently launched album “Because the Internet”. In an interview about the album, he declared that people should start looking at Internet currency. When asked another question, he added:
Yeah, I know a lot of people are skeptical, but I feel like if everything’s going to live online, why not bitcoins? Being backed by gold seems very old and nostalgic to me. Being backed to a bitcoin, which takes time to actually make and there’s this equation that has to be done, that feels realer to me and makes more sense.
Drew Carey
Some time ago, Drew Carey caught the eye of crypto enthusiasts as he tweeted that he wanted to buy breakfast by using bitcoins. He was refused then but now there are many businesses that do accept payments in bitcoin.
Richard Sherman
Famous NFL quarterback Richard Sherman made waves when announcing on Facebook the fact that his online store is going to accept bitcoin payments, claiming that the cryptocurrency is “the currency of the future.”