Irish Drug Dealer Loses $60 Million In BTC Because Of Landlord

By Boris Dzhingarov

Every single Bitcoin investor knows that you should never lose your private keys. A drug dealer from Ireland learned this in the worst possible way as his landlord threw away his codes without even knowing it.

Clifton Collins is a beekeeper and a security guard that became a weed grower and a dealer. He decided to hide his Bitcoin codes in a fishing rod case. Unfortunately, the landlord cleaned the home and threw everything, including the rod case.

The Irish Time stated that most of the Bitcoin was bought at the end of 2011 and the start of 2012 with cash that was made from growing cannabis. When 2017 came around, his fortune amassed 6,000 BTC in an account. Collins feared the fact that this was really easy for hackers to access. Then, he spread all the wealth across 12 accounts and made a smart move as he printed out all the codes. The paper with the codes was hidden in a cap that he kept at a home he was renting in Farnaught.

The problem appeared as in 2017 Collins was arrested for the charge of cannabis possession. As a result, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. Then, his house was broken into. The landlord sent all his belongings to the dump.

Employees of the dump actually remember the fishing gear but they did go on and sent all the garbage to eventually be incinerated. The 12 accounts in question were confiscated by the Irish Criminal Assets Bureau. However, they simply cannot access these accounts without the codes that literally went up in smoke.