Believe it or not, you are likely to have more disposable income as a young professional than at any other time in your life. You may not feel rich at the moment but once you have a mortgage to pay, a couple of kids to raise, not to mention a college education to save for (and your own to pay back) you will wish you could go back to having the money you once had as a young professional. That is why it makes sense to start saving for your long-term future as early as you can. Here are four great investments to make for the long-term future.
Real Estate
It may feel like real estate prices can’t rise anymore and that there has to be a crash soon but unfortunately people need to live somewhere, and this is an asset class that will always rise in the long term. The trick is to get on the property ladder as soon as you can so that you can ride the waves of the property market rather than always having to save a bit more before you can buy the home of your dreams. It is worth it in the long term even if you have to compromise on the size or location of your home to get started.
This might be a high-risk asset class, but it is the currency of the future, and getting on the bandwagon now could mean that you see a substantial gain over the long term. It has never been easier to buy cryptocurrency with platforms such as Cryptology making the process simple and secure for you.
The global market means that traditional currencies may start to die out over the next 20 years or so as every transaction happens online. You may be glad you bought into this asset class in a few years’ time.
Green Energy
There are lots of green energy funds available whether you buy stocks, bonds, or a combination of assets. However, investing in green energy funds is the choice of the future with governments all over the world agreeing to make their countries greener and use more renewable energy. Within the next few years, you will start to see a lot more electric cars on the road and renewable energy sources will become a huge feature of the landscape. It is best to get in now if you don’t want to miss out.
It is never too early to start a pension plan and the great thing is that the earlier you start the less money you have to put in per month to get the same sized pot when it is time to retire. You will have plenty of time to get used to that money going out every month when you are a young professional so, as you take on other credit commitments, it will be easier for you to keep paying into your pension. Eventually, you can hope to enjoy a comfortable retirement.
If you are looking for long-term savings with growth potential, assets could be the best investments you ever make.